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Tonaco Releases a Heartfelt Debut EP on For Senses - Julia EP

Hi Tonaco, Congratulations on your release of such a brilliant EP and your debut on For Senses. Thank you for taking your time out to answer few questions pertaining to your EP and thank you for an opportunity to premiere.

What is the inspiration behind this EP? How did the name come about?

This EP is a tribute to my grandmother "Julia", she passed away a time ago, hence the name of the EP.

How did you overcome the challenges of this EP? If there were any.

It was difficult to create this with all the feeling of loss, but it was liberating as I expressed myself writing the tracks. I hope she is seeing this from somewhere and remembers how much I love her.

How did you find correspondence on this label where your EP is being released?

For Senses came as a sub-label of Transensations, where I've launched a few times, I had no doubts that it would be the right label to release this work.

An instrument or device that was monumental on this EP? It's because?

The whole EP was written in honor of my grandmother, on the track "Julia". I wanted to leave some characteristic that reminded me of church, my grandmother loved the Catholic Church and that's why I expressed myself that way, with vocals and subtle guitar, "A Space Between Us" I used pad/string and string instruments to make the progression emotive and thus justify the name of the track.

A release about For Senses Records, how will it impact your career?

I'm sure this is the most symbolic release of my career so far, I will remember it and the label forever.

Thank you Bangalore Rave community for this Interview, hope you like my music, peace and love for all.

BRC thanks For Senses for this opportunity to premiere one of their releases. Also thank you to everyone who supported Tonaco's track "A Space Between Us" in any manner they could.

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